October 21, 2010-April 24, 2011
This interactive celebration and creative exercise in commemoration of Tacoma Art Museum’s 75th Anniversary Year asks: who are we and who will we be together tomorrow?
Mighty Tacoma will emerge through a series of artist-in-residence programs that will capture the image and spirit of Tacoma and her diverse citizens. Visitors to the museum will be welcome to sit for a portrait by the artist-in-residence.
These digital portraits will be projected in the gallery and simultaneously added to the museum’s website. The museum will commission photographers, selected largely from Tacomabased artists, to create new works that document the richness and diversity of Tacoma. This exhibition will also incorporate a photographic survey of the city’s neighborhoods, families at the museum, community groups, and businesses. These images will be shared through digital technologies both online and in the galleries.
Visitors to the museum’s website will have the opportunity to add their own portraits and views of Tacoma through interactive components including Flickr, Facebook, and other social media.