
Summer Art Camp 2018 Fine Print


Tacoma Art Museum, 1701 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Washington, 98402

Camp Hours

We ask that campers be dropped off at Tacoma Art Museum between 9-9:15am, as scheduled activities begin promptly at 9:30 am.

All campers must be picked up by 5 pm. Late pick-up charges will apply. As the museum is closed to the public on Mondays and the museum’s regular hours are Tuesday – Sunday, 10 am – 5 pm, we ask that all parents/guardians and campers use the elevator or stairs from the parking lot to enter the building.  

Cancellation Policy

Tacoma Art Museum reserves the right to cancel any program if enrollment is insufficient. Any tuition paid will be refunded in full. If you must cancel your child’s enrollment, please let us know as soon as possible so that we may offer the space to another child. If two weeks written notice before the start of the session is given, you will be issued a refund for the amount of tuition, less $75.

Late Pick-up Policy

The Camp Program ends at 5 pm sharp. We recognize that occasional unforeseen circumstances may arise, and as such a grace period will be observed for parents who arrive late to pick up their child. However, late fees will incur beginning at 5:20 pm.

The Tacoma Art Museum late pick-up charge policy is as follows:

  • A $5 late pick-up charge plus $1 for each additional minute late will apply after 20 minutes. That is, if a parent arrives at 5:21 pm, a $6 late fee will be applied.
  • Please aim to arrive for pick-up a little early (4:45 pm) so that you and your child have enough time to depart and won’t feel rushed to leave. Arriving early will also give you time to chat with your camper’s instructors.
  • A no-exceptions policy allows us to apply the late policy to everyone consistently and fairly. We do not want any parent/guardian to perceive that others are receiving special treatment, nor to put instructors in the position of determining what constitutes a “reasonable” excuse for lateness, so we must apply the fee across the board.
  • Tacoma Art Museum is open to the public 10 am to 5 pm, Tuesday through Sunday. The museum is not open to the public Monday. You will be let into the building at 9 am for drop-off and as early as 4:45 pm to pick-up your child. If you arrive earlier than 9 am on any day, please be prepared to wait for access to the building. If you need to pick your child up early or drop them off late, especially Monday, please inform us in advance.


Tuition for Summer Camps cannot be refunded or pro-rated if your child is absent. Make-up classes are not offered. We have reserved spaced for each child exclusively during the designated week(s) and maintain a waiting list of those who register after the space is full.

Medical History and Emergency Authorization (as agreed upon at time of registration)

I attest that my child is in good physical and mental health. Any special considerations are indicated on the reverse. I understand that acceptance into the Camp Program is at the discretion of Tacoma Art Museum. In case of accident or illness, I hereby give permission that my child may be given emergency treatment and, further, I authorize and consent to the administration of any and all medical, dental, and surgical examinations or operations and treatment or all other related care, including the administration of drugs, tests, injuries, anesthesia, and/or blood transfusions to the above named child that may be ordered by the medical care provider in attendance at the facility deemed necessary for medical treatment. I hereby consent to the release of medical report(s) to any medical care provider and consent to the admission of the above-named child to a hospital. I agree to be responsible for any medical expenses incurred on behalf of my child.

Assumption of Risk, Release and Indemnity and Hold Harmless Agreement

In consideration for Tacoma Art Museum’s enrollment of my child in the Camp Program, I agree on behalf of myself, my child, and my spouse (if any) or other guardians, to be bound by the following terms and conditions:

  1. Assumption of Risk. I am aware of inherent and other risks involved in my child’s participation in the program (including, but not limited to, injury, death, or property damage) and I hereby assume any and all risks, whether known or unknown to me at this time, of injury, death, and property damage that may result from my child’s participation in the Program.
  2. Release of Liability. I hereby release Tacoma Art Museum, its directors, officers, agents, representatives, employees, and contractors from and against any and all claims or damages arising out of or in connection with my child’s participation in the program. This release includes, without limitation, any claims arising in negligence, other sort, or contract.
  3. Hold Harmless and Indemnity. I hereby agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Tacoma Art museum, its directors, officers, agents, representatives, employees and contractors from and against any claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of, resulting from, or incurred in connection with my child’s participation in the program.

Drop-Off/Pick-Up (Parking)

Parents/guardians may temporarily park in the lot for a maximum of 10 minutes. If you decided to stay longer than 10 minutes or are staying for the camp celebration on Friday, please pay for the allotted time. Tacoma Art Museum’s parking lot is operated by an independent agency and you may be ticketed if you do not pay. Elevators or stairs can be accessed to enter the building. NOTE: Campers must be signed in by an adult in the lobby. Please do not drop children off in the parking lot.


Please remember to sign your child in and out every day in the lobby. If you pick-up or drop-off your child during the middle of the day, please sign-in/out as well and notify camp staff. Only adults who are listed on the pick-up authorization form will be allowed to take your child home. If you need to add someone to the list, please notify staff in writing of this permission. Persons who do not regularly pick up a child should be prepared to show picture ID. These measures are for your child’s safety; therefore we must insist on your cooperation.

Field Trips

Campers go on field trips to various locations throughout the downtown corridor both walking and using the Sound Transit Light Rail.

What to Bring

A sack lunch including drinks and optional morning and afternoon snacks. We will have a long and busy day so please send enough food and drink to keep kids full of energy.

  • Water bottle to keep your camper hydrated
  • Sunscreen (hopefully we’ll need it!)
  • Clothes your camper can get messy in
  • All art supplies will be provided

What to Leave at Home

  • Valuables of any kind (electronic games, cameras, expensive toys, playing/trading cards, etc.)
  • Clothes that cannot be soiled by art supplies or food.

Behavior Expectations and Behavior Guidelines

In order for Tacoma Art Museum Summer Camp to be a successful and safe environment for play and learning, it is important that campers follow some basic guidelines. Please review the following expectations with your camper:

  • Work cooperatively with other campers and follow the instructions of staff, guest instructors, and volunteers.
  • Treat other campers and staff with respect (no unkind words or actions).
  • Respect and maintain Tacoma Art Museum property including Classroom and gallery space, supplies and other equipment.
  • Stay within the physical boundaries of Tacoma Art Museum activity rooms and outdoor space. Stay with the camp group while outside the building and during field trips.
  • Cell phones must be silenced or turned off during instructional times. Phones may be on and used during lunch and break times. Thank you for honoring this request. If you need to reach your child, please call the museum’s front desk at 253-272-4258 x3035 and ask for summer camp staff.

There are also some specific guidelines that all visitors must follow in the museum galleries. Please take a moment to go over these with your camper. They are as follows:

LOOK: Do not touch works of art. The oils from your fingers harm the art.

WALK: Do not run inside the museum.

TALK QUIETLY: Please be respectful of other museum visitors by speaking at a conversational level.

STAY TOGETHER: Remain with your group at all times.

Please, NO food, drink, gum, cell phones, or backpacks in the galleries. In some cases photography may be allowed in the galleries; please ask camp staff before taking a photo.

Campers can expect the following series of escalating consequences if they do not follow the behavior guidelines listed in the sections above:

  • Staff will make sure campers are aware of the inappropriate behavior and give a verbal warning not to continue the behavior.
  • Campers will have a one-on-one conference with a staff person and will be removed temporarily from the group or activity.
  • Parents will be contacted with the possibility of removal from the program.
  • Campers will be automatically dismissed from the program for the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, and weapons, or for engaging in theft, vandalism, or violent behavior.