
Museum Guidelines

Please honor the following guidelines during your visit to Tacoma Art Museum.

General Guidelines

  • Help protect the art– Enjoy the art on display, but please do not touch. Even the slightest touch can, over time, cause painted surfaces, wood, or stone to become discolored, metal to rust, and glass or plaster to break. No food, drink, or gum in the galleries. Closed water bottles can be stored in a bag or complimentary locker.
  • Pencils Only– For the safety of the art on display, only pencils are permitted for use in the galleries. Pens or any other drawing or painting mediums are not permitted in the galleries. Pencils are available upon request for note-taking and sketching.
  • Take Photos, Capture the Moment Photography is encouraged unless otherwise posted. Please make sure your flash is turned off and leave your tripods and selfie-sticks at home. Use of tripods and/or video cameras must have prior approval. Photography, videotaping and recording for commercial purposes is prohibited without prior approval. TAM may photograph or video visitors for educational and/or promotional purposes. Attendance on TAM premises constitutes implied consent for the use of visitor’s likenesses in the museum’s promotional materials. 
  • Enjoy your visit on wheels– TAM is wheelchair accessible. Complimentary wheelchairs are available at the Admissions Desk. A form of identification must be left with TAM staff for the wheelchair loan. Wheelchairs are limited and only available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Outside Food and Drink-Outside food and drink can be enjoyed only in the lobby and third floor atrium. Please no gum in the galleries. When open, you can also visit the TAM Cafe for food and beverages.  
  • Visiting with children–   Be sure to stick together as a group. Children under 14 must be attended at all times. Make sure to only look at works of art with your eyes, not with your hands. 
  • Shop with us– Visit the TAM Store! The TAM Store is open onsite and online and is fully stocked with all your souvenir needs. Shop now!
  • Connect with us online– Use our free WiFi. Share photos from your visit! Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • The following are strictly prohibited:  
    • Weapons- Firearms, ammunition and similar items. Weapons or items that may be used as weapons, including knives, sharp tools or other sharp instruments. Mace/pepper spray or other chemical weapons and similar items.
    • Inappropriate and unsafe behaviorInappropriate, disruptive, abusive, or unsafe behavior, including uninvited physical contact, harassment, vandalism, theft, violence or the threat of violence, possession of illegal substances/items, or any other illegal conduct is not permitted. Actions that endanger people or art, disrupt other guests’ ability to enjoy their visit, or interfere with business operations will not be tolerated.  
    • Verbal abuse or offensive languageVerbally abusive or offensive language and/or gestures directed toward guests, staff members and volunteers is not permitted.
    • Alcohol- Guests who choose to consume alcohol must do so responsibly. No guest under age 21 may possess or consume alcohol at any time on Museum property. Underage drinking and/or providing alcohol to those under age 21 is strictly prohibited.
    • Costume Policy-   Masks that cover the entire face are not allowed. Masquerade-style masks that cover the eyes and top half of the face are acceptable. No more than half of the face can be covered by face paint. No nudity, lewd, or offensive costumes. Costumes cannot include: weapons or fake weapons of any kind, backpacks, large bags or other items that stick out more than 6 inches from the body.  

Failure to act in accordance

Failure to act in accordance with these visitor guidelines may result in:

  • Intervention by security, management staff, or law enforcement.
  • Request from security or management staff to leave Museum property.
  • Revocation or suspension of membership privileges, if applicable.