Membership & Support FAQ
Why did TAM redesign its membership structure in 2021?
What is the new membership structure?
What is National Access?
How do I opt out of benefits when I donate?
How can I confirm my current membership level and benefits?
I used to renew my membership every year during a certain month. Can I still renew then?
Can I schedule my giving to recur automatically?
My store discount dropped. Can I receive my old discount?
Why are guest passes digital now? Can I still receive printed guest passes?
Why did TAM redesign its membership structure in 2021?
For the last several years, TAM has asked our supporters to join as members – providing museum access and other benefits as a thank you for 100% tax deductible donations. We have also asked for additional gifts to support our Annual Fund. After taking a closer look, we asked ourselves ‘why separate membership gifts and Annual Fund donations when all gifts to TAM are 100% tax deductible?’ So, we decided to combine them!
By recognizing your Membership and Annual Fund giving together, we can provide higher level benefits which provide not only free museum access, but also more ways to engage with art and your fellow art lovers at TAM. By supporting TAM, you automatically become a member and we are honored to have you as part of the TAM family.
What is the new membership structure?
Your support to TAM is now cumulative, with every gift going towards your membership (excluding event-based giving at the annual Fall Gala or Spring Luncheon). Once you reach cumulative giving of $50.00, you are granted unlimited museum access (free admission), along with additional benefits. Starting at cumulative giving of $125.00, you will receive National Access.
TAM donors who give cumulatively at $125.00 or more receive a National Access Membership, granting access to the nationwide reciprocal admission programs NARM, Museums West, and ROAM, which provide free admission to more than 1,000 museums across North America. Simply show the reciprocal stickers on your TAM membership card to Visitor Services at any of these affiliated museums to gain free entry.
How do I opt out of benefits when I donate?
If you want to support TAM and not receive benefits, simply let a staff member know at the time of your donation (or add a note to your online payment) and the museum will correspondingly update your account. If at any time you change your mind, you can email Membership@TacomaArtMuseum.org.
How can I confirm my current membership level and benefits?
Any staff member can look up your account so you can ask the front desk while visiting the museum. You can also email Membership@TacomaArtMuseum.org to inquire.
I used to renew my membership every year during a certain month. Can I still renew then? When does my museum access expire?
Your museum access expires one year after your latest donation to TAM at your current membership level.
For example, if you donated to the museum in April, and did not donate again for the whole year, your access would expire in April of the following year. But if you donate in April, then again in October at an amount that bumps you up to another membership level, your museum access will expire in October of the following year. If your additional donation within a year keeps you in the same membership bracket, your expiration date does not change.
Museum access starts at cumulative giving of $50.00 or more. TAM tracks your membership status and expiration date, sending a reminder when you are approaching your expiration date for museum access.
Can I schedule my giving to recur automatically?
YES! You can either leave your information with a staff member at the front desk or email Membership@TacomaArtMuseum.org to inquire about setting up a recurring giving plan. Either option will result in a member of the Development Team calling you to schedule your gift amount and timing.
My store discount dropped. Can I receive my old discount?
Yes! Some benefits changed slightly with the new membership structure and we recognize that may have been a surprise. Starting in 2022, we will be honoring the new structure for benefits, but if you’d like to request your previous discount for a 2021 purchase, please contact Membership@TacomaArtMuseum.org.
Why are guest passes digital now? Can I still receive printed guest passes?
Having digital guest passes saves trees and money. Simply bring your guests with you to TAM and when you check in at the front desk, tell the staff member you would like to use one of your guest passes on file. We will keep track of your digital guest passes for you, so you do not have to worry about bringing them. If you want printed guest passes, we can print on a case-by-case basis. You can either leave your request at the front desk with any staff member or email Membership@TacomaArtMuseum.org your request and we will mail your guest passes to you.