Welcome back to The Current Corner!
In the first episodes of the year, The Current Collaborative Committee will share their thoughts and perspectives on some of TAM’s recent, exciting acquisitions of work by Black artists.
For this first episode, Collaborative Committee member, Ricky Reyes (@hirickyreyes)is discussing Carrie Mae Weems’ MJB Reflection.
“What I really love about this piece and about Carrie Mae Weems work in general is her real attention to detail when it comes to caring for the stories and the stewards of Black women. In looking up this artwork, one thing Carrie Mae Weem’s talked about a lot is how much she looked up to Mary J. Blige, this sort of budding relationship the two had been building and I feel like that spirit is really captured in this artwork.” -Ricky Reyes
Learn more about The Current, An Artist Award here!
Carrie Mae Weems (born Portland, Oregon, 1953)
MJB, Reflection
Fujiflex on Alucubond
Gift of John J. O’Leary